Childish Selfie

I meet weekly with a young man in a Detention Center in Annapolis. He is charged as an adult with a serious crime but has expressed sincere remorse for his actions. I don’t mean “I’m sorry I got caught” but more like “I am sorry that I made so many poor choices that led up…

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Behind the Fence

It is a bit unnerving to get out of the car and leave everything in it except my student folder, driver’s license and keys. Walk to the gate, let them know I am there with unCUFFED and wait as they take down the info, hand me a visitor pass and then invite me to walk…

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves

We met Jacob (pseudonym) at the County Detention Center a few years back. I mentored him for several months before he was sentenced to a 15 year term in State prison for murder. Recently, Kim asked him to tell us the lies he believed that led to his choices and his incarceration. His response is…

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