unCUFFED needs your help! We need Christian men and women that are willing to give one hour per week to work with incarcerated boys or girls. We don't need theologians or well equipped experts. We only need servants willing to be dedicated in showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

unCUFFED recently heard from the Leadership at Central Booking in Baltimore City to let us know that violence at the facility is increasing rapidly with one exception. The tier where we serve, 5 South, has seen violent incidents drop down to almost zero. The guys on the tier have a daily prayer meeting, we meet with them for Bible Study on a regular basis, and we have distributed hundreds of Bibles, daily devotionals, and Christian books. Jesus is working on this tier! The result is that the Department of Corrections is opening their doors to us in several new facilities and increasing our access in existing facilities.
unCUFFED serves in a multitude of Maryland jail and prison facilities building enduring relationships with “the least of these,” based on Matthew 25:40 ‘… I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ We feel strongly that the Kingdom is called to prison ministry based on Hebrews 13:3 ‘… remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Most prison ministries are transactional, handing out tracts, getting guys to say the sinner’s prayer, and checking them off their list. We are doing long-term, relational ministry; it’s youth groups in jail.
unCUFFED needs your help! We need Christian men and women that are willing to give one hour per week to work with incarcerated boys or girls. We don’t need theologians or well equipped experts. We only need servants willing to be dedicated in showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. For now, the two facilities where we need the most help are Baltimore City Central Booking and the Youth Detention Center. unCUFFED is well prepared to train and support volunteers. No one ever goes inside alone and we have excellent content for Bible Studies, Life Skills Classes, Tutoring, and Book Clubs.
If you are interested in serving or know someone who may be interested, they can reach out to us at (410) 657-2538 or contact@unCUFFEDministries.org. If you would like more information or would like to apply click here: linktr.ee/uncuffed.

unCUFFED needs your help! We need Christian men and women that are willing to give one hour per week to work with incarcerated boys or girls. We don't need theologians or well equipped experts. We only need servants willing to be dedicated in showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

unCUFFED recently heard from the Leadership at Central Booking in Baltimore City to let us know that violence at the facility is increasing rapidly with one exception. The tier where we serve, 5 South, has seen violent incidents drop down to almost zero. The guys on the tier have a daily prayer meeting, we meet with them for Bible Study on a regular basis, and we have distributed hundreds of Bibles, daily devotionals, and Christian books. Jesus is working on this tier! The result is that the Department of Corrections is opening their doors to us in several new facilities and increasing our access in existing facilities.
unCUFFED serves in a multitude of Maryland jail and prison facilities building enduring relationships with “the least of these,” based on Matthew 25:40 ‘… I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ We feel strongly that the Kingdom is called to prison ministry based on Hebrews 13:3 ‘… remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Most prison ministries are transactional, handing out tracts, getting guys to say the sinner’s prayer, and checking them off their list. We are doing long-term, relational ministry; it’s youth groups in jail.
unCUFFED needs your help! We need Christian men and women that are willing to give one hour per week to work with incarcerated boys or girls. We don’t need theologians or well equipped experts. We only need servants willing to be dedicated in showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. For now, the two facilities where we need the most help are Baltimore City Central Booking and the Youth Detention Center. unCUFFED is well prepared to train and support volunteers. No one ever goes inside alone and we have excellent content for Bible Studies, Life Skills Classes, Tutoring, and Book Clubs.
If you are interested in serving or know someone who may be interested, they can reach out to us at (410) 657-2538 or contact@unCUFFEDministries.org. If you would like more information or would like to apply click here: linktr.ee/uncuffed.

unCUFFED recently heard from the Leadership at Central Booking in Baltimore City to let us know that violence at the facility is increasing rapidly with one exception. The tier where we serve, 5 South, has seen violent incidents drop down to almost zero. The guys on the tier have a daily prayer meeting, we meet with them for Bible Study on a regular basis, and we have distributed hundreds of Bibles, daily devotionals, and Christian books. Jesus is working on this tier! The result is that the Department of Corrections is opening their doors to us in several new facilities and increasing our access in existing facilities.
unCUFFED serves in a multitude of Maryland jail and prison facilities building enduring relationships with “the least of these,” based on Matthew 25:40 ‘… I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ We feel strongly that the Kingdom is called to prison ministry based on Hebrews 13:3 ‘… remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Most prison ministries are transactional, handing out tracts, getting guys to say the sinner’s prayer, and checking them off their list. We are doing long-term, relational ministry; it’s youth groups in jail.
unCUFFED needs your help! We need Christian men and women that are willing to give one hour per week to work with incarcerated boys or girls. We don’t need theologians or well equipped experts. We only need servants willing to be dedicated in showing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. For now, the two facilities where we need the most help are Baltimore City Central Booking and the Youth Detention Center. unCUFFED is well prepared to train and support volunteers. No one ever goes inside alone and we have excellent content for Bible Studies, Life Skills Classes, Tutoring, and Book Clubs.
If you are interested in serving or know someone who may be interested, they can reach out to us at (410) 657-2538 or contact@unCUFFEDministries.org. If you would like more information or would like to apply click here: linktr.ee/uncuffed.