We have a great team of volunteers serving the men on the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Tier at Central Booking in Baltimore City but sometimes when you look around at the conditions of the tier and the men I start to question, why am I doing this? The answer of course is Jesus Christ.
These are stock images, as we are not permitted to take photographs inside the facilities, but they accurately reflect the conditions on the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Tier at Central Booking in Baltimore City.
The jail has provided unCUFFED with incredible access to the Drug & Alcohol Rehab tier. Many of the men are on opioid substitutes like Methadone and Suboxone, but our desire is to provide the critical elements of faith and hope to the Recovery process. We have a great team of volunteers serving these men but sometimes when you look around at the conditions of the tier and the men I start to question, why am I doing this?
The answer of course is Jesus Christ. When it comes to recovery the experts are often found at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and those working the 12 Step Program. The 12th step is “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” This message is aligned with the Great Commission found in Matthew 28 of your Bible, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” At unCUFFED we want to take the message of sobriety and Jesus inside the jails. Having experienced a faith awakening in our own lives, we want to share this message with others especially those that society deems ‘the least of these.”
Several weeks ago, unCUFFED Volunteer Kevin and I were on the tier holding hands with a group of 12 guys, our heads bowed praying for forgiveness and for God to touch the hearts of the men on the tier. It helped me remember that when I start to think that I am a bit crazy to go inside these places I know that this is where Jesus wants me. There are even moments of great joy that cause me to exclaim, “Where else would I rather be?” Nowhere.

We have a great team of volunteers serving the men on the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Tier at Central Booking in Baltimore City but sometimes when you look around at the conditions of the tier and the men I start to question, why am I doing this? The answer of
These are stock images, as we are not permitted to take photographs inside the facilities, but they accurately reflect the conditions on the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Tier at Central Booking in Baltimore City.
The jail has provided unCUFFED with incredible access to the Drug & Alcohol Rehab tier. Many of the men are on opioid substitutes like Methadone and Suboxone, but our desire is to provide the critical elements of faith and hope to the Recovery process. We have a great team of volunteers serving these men but sometimes when you look around at the conditions of the tier and the men I start to question, why am I doing this?
The answer of course is Jesus Christ. When it comes to recovery the experts are often found at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and those working the 12 Step Program. The 12th step is “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” This message is aligned with the Great Commission found in Matthew 28 of your Bible, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” At unCUFFED we want to take the message of sobriety and Jesus inside the jails. Having experienced a faith awakening in our own lives, we want to share this message with others especially those that society deems ‘the least of these.”
Several weeks ago, unCUFFED Volunteer Kevin and I were on the tier holding hands with a group of 12 guys, our heads bowed praying for forgiveness and for God to touch the hearts of the men on the tier. It helped me remember that when I start to think that I am a bit crazy to go inside these places I know that this is where Jesus wants me. There are even moments of great joy that cause me to exclaim, “Where else would I rather be?” Nowhere.
These are stock images, as we are not permitted to take photographs inside the facilities, but they accurately reflect the conditions on the Drug & Alcohol Treatment Tier at Central Booking in Baltimore City.
The jail has provided unCUFFED with incredible access to the Drug & Alcohol Rehab tier. Many of the men are on opioid substitutes like Methadone and Suboxone, but our desire is to provide the critical elements of faith and hope to the Recovery process. We have a great team of volunteers serving these men but sometimes when you look around at the conditions of the tier and the men I start to question, why am I doing this?
The answer of course is Jesus Christ. When it comes to recovery the experts are often found at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and those working the 12 Step Program. The 12th step is “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” This message is aligned with the Great Commission found in Matthew 28 of your Bible, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” At unCUFFED we want to take the message of sobriety and Jesus inside the jails. Having experienced a faith awakening in our own lives, we want to share this message with others especially those that society deems ‘the least of these.”
Several weeks ago, unCUFFED Volunteer Kevin and I were on the tier holding hands with a group of 12 guys, our heads bowed praying for forgiveness and for God to touch the hearts of the men on the tier. It helped me remember that when I start to think that I am a bit crazy to go inside these places I know that this is where Jesus wants me. There are even moments of great joy that cause me to exclaim, “Where else would I rather be?” Nowhere.