During this Christmas season, we are doing our best to support the boys and girls we serve as well as their families
As we walk through the Advent season, consider The Magnicat, which means “My soul magnifies the Lord.” It can be found in Luke 1:46-55. Did you know that the public reading of these verses was banned during the British rule of India in the 1800’s and in the 1980’s banned by the military junta in Guatemala? Royalty and Heirarchies throughout history have viewed these word as revolutionary and subservise, an attack on the rulers and an exaltation of the lowly.
The Christian message is always countercultural. At unCUFFED, we respect authority based on Romans 13, we don’t advocate the abolition of the jail system, but at the same time we love and support the lowly. Prison is the home of the lowly. Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are badly treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”
During this Christmas season, we are doing our best to support the boys and girls we serve as well as their families. For Thanksgiving, we filled bags with Turkeys, pies, vegetables, macaroni, stuffing and cranberry sauce for distribution to the families of the kids we serve. For Christmas, we are providing gift bags to every boy at the Charles H. Hickey School and the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. In the bags are FCA Bibles, Jesus Calling books, composition books, a Young Adult version of the Unbroken novel, snacks and puzzles.
Some might say that these kindnesses are rewarding sinners for being in jail. Years ago, upon entering the Baltimore County Detention with similar bags, an officer looked at me and said, “Oh no, here comes the Hug-A-Thug guy.” I was embarrassed but I came to realize that loving kindness is essential in earning the right to share the Truth of Jesus Christ. So, even when we experience oppostion, unCUFFED will continue to love and serve the lowly held behind the walls of prisons.

During this Christmas season, we are doing our best to support the boys and girls we serve as well as their families
As we walk through the Advent season, consider The Magnicat, which means “My soul magnifies the Lord.” It can be found in Luke 1:46-55. Did you know that the public reading of these verses was banned during the British rule of India in the 1800’s and in the 1980’s banned by the military junta in Guatemala? Royalty and Heirarchies throughout history have viewed these word as revolutionary and subservise, an attack on the rulers and an exaltation of the lowly.
The Christian message is always countercultural. At unCUFFED, we respect authority based on Romans 13, we don’t advocate the abolition of the jail system, but at the same time we love and support the lowly. Prison is the home of the lowly. Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are badly treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”
During this Christmas season, we are doing our best to support the boys and girls we serve as well as their families. For Thanksgiving, we filled bags with Turkeys, pies, vegetables, macaroni, stuffing and cranberry sauce for distribution to the families of the kids we serve. For Christmas, we are providing gift bags to every boy at the Charles H. Hickey School and the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. In the bags are FCA Bibles, Jesus Calling books, composition books, a Young Adult version of the Unbroken novel, snacks and puzzles.
Some might say that these kindnesses are rewarding sinners for being in jail. Years ago, upon entering the Baltimore County Detention with similar bags, an officer looked at me and said, “Oh no, here comes the Hug-A-Thug guy.” I was embarrassed but I came to realize that loving kindness is essential in earning the right to share the Truth of Jesus Christ. So, even when we experience oppostion, unCUFFED will continue to love and serve the lowly held behind the walls of prisons.
As we walk through the Advent season, consider The Magnicat, which means “My soul magnifies the Lord.” It can be found in Luke 1:46-55. Did you know that the public reading of these verses was banned during the British rule of India in the 1800’s and in the 1980’s banned by the military junta in Guatemala? Royalty and Heirarchies throughout history have viewed these word as revolutionary and subservise, an attack on the rulers and an exaltation of the lowly.
The Christian message is always countercultural. At unCUFFED, we respect authority based on Romans 13, we don’t advocate the abolition of the jail system, but at the same time we love and support the lowly. Prison is the home of the lowly. Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are badly treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.”
During this Christmas season, we are doing our best to support the boys and girls we serve as well as their families. For Thanksgiving, we filled bags with Turkeys, pies, vegetables, macaroni, stuffing and cranberry sauce for distribution to the families of the kids we serve. For Christmas, we are providing gift bags to every boy at the Charles H. Hickey School and the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. In the bags are FCA Bibles, Jesus Calling books, composition books, a Young Adult version of the Unbroken novel, snacks and puzzles.
Some might say that these kindnesses are rewarding sinners for being in jail. Years ago, upon entering the Baltimore County Detention with similar bags, an officer looked at me and said, “Oh no, here comes the Hug-A-Thug guy.” I was embarrassed but I came to realize that loving kindness is essential in earning the right to share the Truth of Jesus Christ. So, even when we experience oppostion, unCUFFED will continue to love and serve the lowly held behind the walls of prisons.