Paul did it for Onesimus, Charles & Danny did it for me, and now I do this for young men like Malcolm.
When I came home from prison I was uneasy around people. I was dealing with shame, guilt, and an irrational believe that people were focused on me and my sin. At one point, I didn’t even want to attend church services as I was sure I was unwelcome.
If you have the time, read the book of Philemon and watch this Bible Project video that summarizes the book. Paul, who met Onesimus in jail, sent Onesimus back home with a letter forecfully asking the man Onesimus had wronged, Philemon, to accept him back into the community, not as a felon but as a brother. This is the work of unCUFFED. Paul imbued credibility on Onesimus. Because Paul knew Onesimus’ heart he was able to speak up for him and commend him to Philemon. Because of this credibility, it seems likely that Onesimus became a full member of the church and flourished. Without Paul’s commendation he may very well have been ostracised and pushed out of the fellowship.
When I came home, there were two men who welcomed me with open arms, fully aware of my sin they still imbued their credibility on me and made it easier for others to also welcome me back into the fellowship. The first was Dr. Charles Edwards. I was still living in a halfway house on Monument Avenue when I first spoke with Charles and asked if I could attend the small group he hosted. I was a felon asking this prominent Baltimore phsyician with a family and young kids asking if I could come into his Ruxton home. Charles accepted me, not as a felon but as a Brother. I will never forget the day we met at Starbucks to discuss a study on the book of Hebrews and Charles asked me to lead the multi-week study. Because Charles was willing to build a relationship with me and came to know that I was a changed man and a Brother he was willing to come alongside me. The stamp of credibility Charles provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
The second was Danny O’Brien who, at the time, was the Senior Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church. I spoke with Danny after service the first Sunday I was home. He asked me my name and my countenance fell as I quickly became aware that upon hearing my name he remembered who I was and what I had done but Danny didn’t leave it there. He invited me out to breakfast that week to let me know that I was fully forgiven and accepted at Grace! I wanted to volunteer in middle school ministry because my son was in middle school at the time but the devil told me that, as a felon convicted of a financial crime, I would be a very poor role model and that I should steer clear of this work. God, working through Danny, provided a differnt message. Danny told me that I could serve in any capacity at Grace and he said, “if anyone tells you anything differnet come and see me.” The stamp of credibility Danny provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
As you watch this interview with Malcom, I want you to know that I became very close to him while he was locked up. I know he loves Jesus, has repented for his sins, and is forgiven. Whatever small amount of credibility I have and unCUFFED has I want to use to commend him. At unCUFFED, we form enduring relationships as we draw closer to Christ together and we speak boldly in support of sinners like me so that they can be fully accepted back in to society. Paul did it for Onesimus, Charles & Danny did it for me, and now I do this for young men like Malcolm. As Paul said, “be an imitator of me.”

Paul did it for Onesimus, Charles & Danny did it for me, and now I do this for young men like Malcolm.
When I came home from prison I was uneasy around people. I was dealing with shame, guilt, and an irrational believe that people were focused on me and my sin. At one point, I didn’t even want to attend church services as I was sure I was unwelcome.
If you have the time, read the book of Philemon and watch this Bible Project video that summarizes the book. Paul, who met Onesimus in jail, sent Onesimus back home with a letter forecfully asking the man Onesimus had wronged, Philemon, to accept him back into the community, not as a felon but as a brother. This is the work of unCUFFED. Paul imbued credibility on Onesimus. Because Paul knew Onesimus’ heart he was able to speak up for him and commend him to Philemon. Because of this credibility, it seems likely that Onesimus became a full member of the church and flourished. Without Paul’s commendation he may very well have been ostracised and pushed out of the fellowship.
When I came home, there were two men who welcomed me with open arms, fully aware of my sin they still imbued their credibility on me and made it easier for others to also welcome me back into the fellowship. The first was Dr. Charles Edwards. I was still living in a halfway house on Monument Avenue when I first spoke with Charles and asked if I could attend the small group he hosted. I was a felon asking this prominent Baltimore phsyician with a family and young kids asking if I could come into his Ruxton home. Charles accepted me, not as a felon but as a Brother. I will never forget the day we met at Starbucks to discuss a study on the book of Hebrews and Charles asked me to lead the multi-week study. Because Charles was willing to build a relationship with me and came to know that I was a changed man and a Brother he was willing to come alongside me. The stamp of credibility Charles provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
The second was Danny O’Brien who, at the time, was the Senior Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church. I spoke with Danny after service the first Sunday I was home. He asked me my name and my countenance fell as I quickly became aware that upon hearing my name he remembered who I was and what I had done but Danny didn’t leave it there. He invited me out to breakfast that week to let me know that I was fully forgiven and accepted at Grace! I wanted to volunteer in middle school ministry because my son was in middle school at the time but the devil told me that, as a felon convicted of a financial crime, I would be a very poor role model and that I should steer clear of this work. God, working through Danny, provided a differnt message. Danny told me that I could serve in any capacity at Grace and he said, “if anyone tells you anything differnet come and see me.” The stamp of credibility Danny provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
As you watch this interview with Malcom, I want you to know that I became very close to him while he was locked up. I know he loves Jesus, has repented for his sins, and is forgiven. Whatever small amount of credibility I have and unCUFFED has I want to use to commend him. At unCUFFED, we form enduring relationships as we draw closer to Christ together and we speak boldly in support of sinners like me so that they can be fully accepted back in to society. Paul did it for Onesimus, Charles & Danny did it for me, and now I do this for young men like Malcolm. As Paul said, “be an imitator of me.”
When I came home from prison I was uneasy around people. I was dealing with shame, guilt, and an irrational believe that people were focused on me and my sin. At one point, I didn’t even want to attend church services as I was sure I was unwelcome.
If you have the time, read the book of Philemon and watch this Bible Project video that summarizes the book. Paul, who met Onesimus in jail, sent Onesimus back home with a letter forecfully asking the man Onesimus had wronged, Philemon, to accept him back into the community, not as a felon but as a brother. This is the work of unCUFFED. Paul imbued credibility on Onesimus. Because Paul knew Onesimus’ heart he was able to speak up for him and commend him to Philemon. Because of this credibility, it seems likely that Onesimus became a full member of the church and flourished. Without Paul’s commendation he may very well have been ostracised and pushed out of the fellowship.
When I came home, there were two men who welcomed me with open arms, fully aware of my sin they still imbued their credibility on me and made it easier for others to also welcome me back into the fellowship. The first was Dr. Charles Edwards. I was still living in a halfway house on Monument Avenue when I first spoke with Charles and asked if I could attend the small group he hosted. I was a felon asking this prominent Baltimore phsyician with a family and young kids asking if I could come into his Ruxton home. Charles accepted me, not as a felon but as a Brother. I will never forget the day we met at Starbucks to discuss a study on the book of Hebrews and Charles asked me to lead the multi-week study. Because Charles was willing to build a relationship with me and came to know that I was a changed man and a Brother he was willing to come alongside me. The stamp of credibility Charles provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
The second was Danny O’Brien who, at the time, was the Senior Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church. I spoke with Danny after service the first Sunday I was home. He asked me my name and my countenance fell as I quickly became aware that upon hearing my name he remembered who I was and what I had done but Danny didn’t leave it there. He invited me out to breakfast that week to let me know that I was fully forgiven and accepted at Grace! I wanted to volunteer in middle school ministry because my son was in middle school at the time but the devil told me that, as a felon convicted of a financial crime, I would be a very poor role model and that I should steer clear of this work. God, working through Danny, provided a differnt message. Danny told me that I could serve in any capacity at Grace and he said, “if anyone tells you anything differnet come and see me.” The stamp of credibility Danny provided allowed me to be accepted by others.
As you watch this interview with Malcom, I want you to know that I became very close to him while he was locked up. I know he loves Jesus, has repented for his sins, and is forgiven. Whatever small amount of credibility I have and unCUFFED has I want to use to commend him. At unCUFFED, we form enduring relationships as we draw closer to Christ together and we speak boldly in support of sinners like me so that they can be fully accepted back in to society. Paul did it for Onesimus, Charles & Danny did it for me, and now I do this for young men like Malcolm. As Paul said, “be an imitator of me.”