We are thrilled to announce that unCUFFED’s new website, which was generously designed through donation by Zest Social Media Solutions, is now live at www.uncuffedministries.org . The website offers information on our ministry for volunteers, sponsors, partners, and, most importantly, parents and guardians of youth with whom unCUFFED works. “This new website is so essential because it provides a way for potential volunteers or supporters and parents to really learn about the heart and soul of [unCUFFED’s] work,” said Katie Rusnak Ellis, the VP of Digital Strategy at Zest. “The staff and volunteers with unCUFFED, while always happy to sit…
We are thrilled to announce that unCUFFED’s new website, which was generously designed through donation by Zest Social Media Solutions, is now live at www.uncuffedministries.org . The website offers information on our ministry for volunteers, sponsors, partners, and, most importantly, parents and guardians of youth with whom unCUFFED works.
“This new website is so essential because it provides a way for potential volunteers or supporters and parents to really learn about the heart and soul of [unCUFFED’s] work,” said Katie Rusnak Ellis, the VP of Digital Strategy at Zest. “The staff and volunteers with unCUFFED, while always happy to sit and share their story or answer questions, spend most of their days actually with the boys and girls, rather than behind a desk, so this website gives individuals a way to find the answers to questions or problems they might have at any time, day or night.” With comprehensive information about unCUFFED, including background on the justice system and our target population within the system, where we work, what services we offer, and how to participate in our ministry, the website truly captures, as Rusnak Ellis put it, “the heart” of unCUFFED “as well as the important facts.”
Our new website would not have been possible without Zest’s “Squeeze” program, which partners with a select handful of Baltimore-area nonprofit organizations to bolster their digital presence; unCUFFED was fortunate enough to receive one of these few grants. Rusnak Ellis says she, along with Zest President Tim Bojanowski and the rest of the Zest team, are “so excited to be supporting the mission of unCUFFED” by providing our new website and enhancing our social media presence.
In our current day—in which “a modern and functioning digital presence is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’…it is an expected and important piece of a brand”—Zest’s work is essential to growing our ministry. We are so grateful for this blessing, and excited to use the new website and social media to connect with new audiences, expanding unCUFFED’s reach and further sharing our mission.

We are thrilled to announce that unCUFFED’s new website, which was generously designed through donation by Zest Social Media Solutions, is now live at www.uncuffedministries.org . The website offers information on our ministry for volunteers, sponsors, partners, and, most importantly, parents and guardians of youth with whom unCUFFED works. “This…
We are thrilled to announce that unCUFFED’s new website, which was generously designed through donation by Zest Social Media Solutions, is now live at www.uncuffedministries.org . The website offers information on our ministry for volunteers, sponsors, partners, and, most importantly, parents and guardians of youth with whom unCUFFED works.
“This new website is so essential because it provides a way for potential volunteers or supporters and parents to really learn about the heart and soul of [unCUFFED’s] work,” said Katie Rusnak Ellis, the VP of Digital Strategy at Zest. “The staff and volunteers with unCUFFED, while always happy to sit and share their story or answer questions, spend most of their days actually with the boys and girls, rather than behind a desk, so this website gives individuals a way to find the answers to questions or problems they might have at any time, day or night.” With comprehensive information about unCUFFED, including background on the justice system and our target population within the system, where we work, what services we offer, and how to participate in our ministry, the website truly captures, as Rusnak Ellis put it, “the heart” of unCUFFED “as well as the important facts.”
Our new website would not have been possible without Zest’s “Squeeze” program, which partners with a select handful of Baltimore-area nonprofit organizations to bolster their digital presence; unCUFFED was fortunate enough to receive one of these few grants. Rusnak Ellis says she, along with Zest President Tim Bojanowski and the rest of the Zest team, are “so excited to be supporting the mission of unCUFFED” by providing our new website and enhancing our social media presence.
In our current day—in which “a modern and functioning digital presence is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’…it is an expected and important piece of a brand”—Zest’s work is essential to growing our ministry. We are so grateful for this blessing, and excited to use the new website and social media to connect with new audiences, expanding unCUFFED’s reach and further sharing our mission.
We are thrilled to announce that unCUFFED’s new website, which was generously designed through donation by Zest Social Media Solutions, is now live at www.uncuffedministries.org . The website offers information on our ministry for volunteers, sponsors, partners, and, most importantly, parents and guardians of youth with whom unCUFFED works.
“This new website is so essential because it provides a way for potential volunteers or supporters and parents to really learn about the heart and soul of [unCUFFED’s] work,” said Katie Rusnak Ellis, the VP of Digital Strategy at Zest. “The staff and volunteers with unCUFFED, while always happy to sit and share their story or answer questions, spend most of their days actually with the boys and girls, rather than behind a desk, so this website gives individuals a way to find the answers to questions or problems they might have at any time, day or night.” With comprehensive information about unCUFFED, including background on the justice system and our target population within the system, where we work, what services we offer, and how to participate in our ministry, the website truly captures, as Rusnak Ellis put it, “the heart” of unCUFFED “as well as the important facts.”
Our new website would not have been possible without Zest’s “Squeeze” program, which partners with a select handful of Baltimore-area nonprofit organizations to bolster their digital presence; unCUFFED was fortunate enough to receive one of these few grants. Rusnak Ellis says she, along with Zest President Tim Bojanowski and the rest of the Zest team, are “so excited to be supporting the mission of unCUFFED” by providing our new website and enhancing our social media presence.
In our current day—in which “a modern and functioning digital presence is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’…it is an expected and important piece of a brand”—Zest’s work is essential to growing our ministry. We are so grateful for this blessing, and excited to use the new website and social media to connect with new audiences, expanding unCUFFED’s reach and further sharing our mission.